Ideal Justice (For Communist in Brazil)

by MUVUCA - uploaded on June 12, 2016, 12:09 pm

For the parties (Communists in Brazil) justice is correct if you support the outright theft!

Action provided for in the Constitution is not a coup d'etat.

For some unhappy, the brazilian Constitution only applies when it is favourable.

P.s. Quote newspaper report claiming to be coup doesn't change anything

Ação prevista na constituição não é golpe de estado!

Para alguns inconformados, a constituição brasileira só vale quando lhe é favorável.

P.S. Citar jornal com reportagem que alega ser golpe de estado não muda nada

Action prévue dans la Constitution n’est pas un coup d’Etat.

Pour certains malheureux, la Constitution brésilienne s’applique uniquement lorsqu’il est favorable.

PS Citer le rapport de journal qui prétend être le coup d’Etat ne change rien

Semi-Realistic People remix+251617 theft communism socialism political corruption Brazil "Socialist justice"
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