The Andorra Flag

by AdamStanislav - uploaded on August 2, 2016, 8:46 pm

Based on the specifications listed at'.html, which allow for two versions of the flag, one with the coat of arms, one without. If that link doesn’t work, go to and click on “Specifications / Construction Sheet.”

Specifically, it says, “The flag of the Principality of Andorra has traditionally been formed of three equal adjacent vertical stripes: the first, beside the flagpole, is blue, the second, in the middle, is yellow, and the third is red. The coat of arms of the Principality of Andorra is placed in the centre of the flag, on the yellow stripe; however, it may be omitted, particularly when the flag is reproduced in certain small-scale or specific formats, such as tapes, where it may be represented solely by three adjacents stripes in blue, yellow and red.”

So, I decided to omit the arms because I don’t think I could reproduce them properly, perhaps someone else’s remix can accomplish that.

Andorra flag principality
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