Crooked Man 2 (Welcome Mopowendi)

by The Martin - uploaded on November 6, 2016, 6:08 pm

Welcome Mopowendi started out at Crooked Village many years ago, working as a hygiene technician and today he is running all the tech services at the local hospital, with a staff of 18 and a muchly too tight budget (and his haircut is overdue again)... And still studying at night, still clinging to his dream to be a surgeon (at his age! sais his father, and his mother is so pround of him) because this is why he had come to this country in the first place.

But at least, infections (possibly) due to hygiene have gone down 8% under his management, and if he will get that assistant next year, he might just make it to the first pre-exams by fall...

Africa African blue collar to white collar story brown hair Carlos Charlie citizen crooked Crooked World GENERALI gente hombre man pelo marrón people remix+265851 torcidos Verde Franela Verde franela
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