tokonoma 02

by yamachem - uploaded on December 25, 2014, 9:19 pm

"tokonoma " with a "kakejiku" meaning "hanging scroll"


"tokonoma" is a built-in recessed space in Japanese style reception room


in which you are supposed to display flowers or a hanging scroll or a vase or a "bonsai"


the four kanji on the" kakejiku"

are read as "fuu-rin-ka-zan" meaning "wind,woods,fire,mountain"


I will pick up the kanji "kakejiku"

in my "today's kanji".


As you know ,I want you to regard this "kakejiku" not as Japanese calligraphy but as art.

if this is Japanese calligraphy,it seems strange that the letters are in white.



I want you to consider the yellow parts in the clipart as "tatami mats".



Chinese Chinese character Japanese display hanja hanzi kakejiku kanji niche scroll tatami tokonoma
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