Bird 03(meadow-bunting)

by yamachem - uploaded on April 20, 2015, 11:30 am

The image of "a meadow-bunting on a perch". 

The head is brown with white eyebrows, moustachial stripe and throat .      

 It breeds in southern Siberia, northern and eastern China, eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Korea and Japan. It is fairly non-migratory but northern birds move south as far as southern China and Taiwan. It occurs in dry, open habitats such as scrub, farmland, grassland and open woodland.     

The medow -bunting is called "hoo-jiro(ほおじろ in hiragana ,ホオジロ in katakana,頬白 in kanji)" in Japanese.

"hoo" means "cheek" and "jiro" means a variant of "shiro" meaning "white" in English.



For more info about "meadow-bunting" ,see here:

animal bird brown bunting hoojiro mammal meadow perch white yamachem
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