100 years killing the people, to save the people!
by MUVUCA - uploaded on June 12, 2016, 1:21 pm
For over 100 years this bullshit that Communism is for the good of the people, when in fact only serves to create and maintain bloodthirsty dictators.
Há mais de 100 anos que esta balela de que o comunismo é para bem do povo, quando na verdade somete serve para criar e manter ditadores sanguinários
Pour plus de 100 ans, cette connerie que le communisme est pour le bien du peuple, quand en fait seulement sert à créer et maintenir des dictateurs sanguinaires.
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- Communism Communisme Comunismo censorship censura censure dictatorship dictature ditaduras misery misère miséria pauvreté pobreza politics politique política poverty tirania tyrannie tyranny
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