The African Martin

by The Martin - uploaded on October 4, 2016, 10:18 pm

Almost the same image as Answerphone Robot but with a friendlier face and without the rotary dial. I had noticed that one needs a square avatar or else it gets distorted so I made this just out of vanity...

This is an African version of my avator, because I have an ongoing request that we will all consider adding (more) African versions of our clipart-people to reach even more users, who need free clipart even more. Thanks for your consideration, I figured I should be/make an example, even if the re-colouring of a robot is somewhat trivial and normally I do not so much appreciate long series of the same illustration in just different colours. Many users can (learn to) re-colour a vector file...

This is a remix, but just for correcting some colours. So I will delete the original for not spamming this nice place.

African cardboard cartoon clipart_issue friendly Non-Human Beings remix+253585 remix+254840 remix+262585 robot
Safe for Work?


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