SVG Optimization 01 - Code

by SunKing2 - uploaded on January 13, 2018, 5:12 pm

Lesson 01: SVG Primer

SVG origin 0,0 is at the top left, coordinates are X,Y

Line 2: Draw a rectangle at 100,100. With no stroke or fill specified, it defaults to a black fill.

Line 3: Move to 200,200 without drawing. Line to 300,200.

Line 4: Same as line 4, but with a path command, if you leave out the L (line) command, and enter coordinates, L is assumed.

Line 5: Uses relative coordinates instead of absolute. Lowercase letters are used here to specify relative coordinates. Lowercase l means the next coordinate is relative to the the first coordinate. In this case, move 100px in the x direction, and 0 in the y direction.

Line 6: You can also leave out the lowercase l, it is assumed.

Line 7: Draw a square.

Line 8: Draw a circle with a radius of 50 in the same coordinates as the square. Notice the circle specifies coordinates by its center. If we want a square in the same location, we need to adjust its x and y coordinates.

Line 9: Draw a shape with a stroke and fill. Start at 200,700. Draw a line 100px horizontally and 0 vertically. Draw a line -50px horizontally and 50px vertically which is the bottom vertex of the triangle. z closes the shape.

There's an error in this code - a square showed up as black when I wanted blue because the color should be "#00f".

Modify your SVG code, it's often easier than using Inkscape!

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