A competent and also friendly doctor

by The Martin - uploaded on June 10, 2020, 10:09 am

This is a remix where I just fixed some style and technical details, for example converted the texts to paths. Here is my blurb from the original, mildly fixed too, explaining how this happened:

Dear team, dear illustrators and artists, Openclipart is fantastic and so generous, thank you all. Please consider that in Europe many NGOs or clubs or even individuals could afford artwork or stock photos - and still they come here. Now consider that in Africa less NGOs and clubs and individuals can afford artwork, so they could also come here. I love Openclipart, but in the last so many weeks, again and again I have not found suitable illustrations for an African audience. I find farmers - and I am not a racist. But if I want to reach an African audience, it is just so much more natural to show some African farmers in action... So my proposal is this: If you love editing vector-files, you could remix some "people" to make them African. Of course just changing skin colour does often not suffice. Look at hair and faces, possibly clothing. And if you create new clipart from scratch (awesome) and you can even do people; please consider - while you have got them in your editor - to just spend another half hour and make an African "version". I have just done a search for "doctor" and have downloaded the very first clipart that was listed. Then I have tried turning that very friendly looking doctor into an African and I uploaded the remix. Next I had some fun with skin colours and I made an extra white doctor and even a black doctor. I am using humour to illustrate my second request: Please tag your contributions. I do not like the word "Caucasian" (and it is only used for "white" in the US according to Wikipedia) and I have not found a better word to summarize Europeans and north Americans, so I put "white" to the second doctor from the left. My skin is certainly not white - and most of my neighbours here are certainly not black, most of them I would call brown-skinned. Thank you all, this site is wonderful. The Martin

comic characters african consider doctor skin white caucasian black
210 k
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