Book of Darrow - Celtic Knot

by HenryM - uploaded on September 30, 2021, 12:59 pm

These designs are based on a ‘unit’ from the Book of Darrow shown in the book Celtic Art by George Bain, various editions published after 1951.

The left hand image is of the knot itself

The right had image is a coloured version of the knot where Inkscape has been used to give graduated different colours for the 4 paths of the knot

@Lazur URH

Thank you for the references to Bézier curves, I will enjoy reading them.

Svg does have definitions for both circular and elliptical arcs and complete circles and ellipses. I was not sure what the difference was between ‘circular segments’ and ‘circular arcs’. So I thought I would see if I could use this design in Inkscape to colour in the knot path. This gave what I was hoping for.

Cetlic knot geometry
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