Cameo Frame (part) Coloured

by HenryM - uploaded on July 27, 2022, 9:08 pm

This is part of the contribution by rpm that originated from GDJ

This was a trial to see what would happen if I did the following

1. Saved the svg

2. Converted the svg to dxf using Inkscape

3. Read the dxf into a CAD system

4. Used facilities automatically to create closed shapes

5. Wrote an svg file of the closed shapes

6. Use Inkscape to colour the part.

This the first attempt at such a process and I will be interested in any comments.

All the closed shapes are individual in the svg file that was written. It would have been possible to group the closed shapes (for example the small ‘rectangles’’) so that these could all be coloured at one go.

Colouring Frame
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