No AI Robots Sign

by j4p4n - uploaded on January 8, 2023, 4:18 pm

So...... I was a little cheeky with this one. I know that AI art and design has a lot of problems with authorship and safety and other hotly debated topics right now... but I think I fall on the side of AI and algorithms being a fascinating productivity tool. So in a sort of ironic silliness I worked with an artificial intelligence to design a NO AI ROBOTS sign. The AI made the design and then I copied it and tweaked it and made my own original clipart from that machine designed design. And yes, the AI is the one that decided to give the robot those creepy claw hands! haha

EDIT: Originally I intended a little error to remain on here as a sort of shibboleth of sorts to prove I am flesh and blood, but after @andresmi pointed it out only a few days after I uploaded this, I decided nobody would see it as that and it just brought down the clipart. So I am uploading a fix remix to replace it.

ban Ai robot sign prohibited future scifi science fiction rules sci fi imagination
141 k
Safe for Work?


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