the "it's FREE" TRAP

by Hyperslower - uploaded on February 17, 2023, 11:37 pm

In French, there is an expression that says "quand c'est gratuit, c'est toi le produit" ["when it's free, you are the product"].

Obviously, this expression is not always right and true free acts/products/services exist, fortunately.

But, I also see that free stuff is not always offered with kindness and love.

P.S.: You will have noticed that animals do not fall into the trap; they have a powerful survival instinct.

free trap gratuit gratis offer piège manipulation consent smartphone GAFAM walk walking blinded blind animal bad gift remix+72553 remix+240553 animals remix+222948 remix+248173 remix+1911 remix+274911 inkscape
649 k
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