Celtic Ornament v6

by Merlin2525 - uploaded on December 12, 2015, 3:20 am

My Remix of Boobaloo's Celtic Ornament. Version 6 - Added outset, colour and drop shadow. License:Public Domain.

Celta Celtas Celtic Celtique Gaelic Gaelico Gaelique Gothic Gothique Gotico Irish Irlandais Irlandes Keltisk Nordises Norse Viking Vikingo abstract abstrait ancient and anillo animal anneau antiguo antique apercu art arte artesania artisanat bijoux bird book colgante color colour conception couleur craft craftmanship de decoracion decoratif decoration decorative decorativo des design diseno divider diviseur divisor dragon el element elemento esquema et extracto folk forma forme grafico graphical graphique historia history jewellery jewelry joyas joyeria knot knotwork l'artisanat l'histoire la le les libro ligne line linea livre los medieval medievale mitologia mitology modelo modelos motif motifs motivo mythologie mythology negro noeud nudo oiseau ornament ornamental ornamento ornement ornementales outline pajaro patern pattern patterns pendant pendentif remezcla remix remix 234074 ring serpent serpiente shape simbolo snake symbol symbole tat tatoo tatouage tattoo tatuaje tema temas theme themes trabajo travail vectorisee vectorizado vectorized white work y
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