thumb wrestling

by yamachem - uploaded on June 14, 2016, 12:06 am

The image depicts "thumb wrestling " or "thumb war".

A thumb war (pea-knuckle or pea-knuckle war in New Zealand) is a game played by two players in a tournament called a thumb-a-war (or thumb war) using the thumbs to simulate fighting.

(from wikipedia "thumb war")

I used an OCAL clipart called "Thumbs Up Silhouette" uploaded by "GDJ".


The thumb wrestling is called "yubi-zumou" or "指相撲" in Japanese.

a "yubi" means a finger.

"zumou" is a dervative from a word "sumou".

GDJ logo remix+238911 silhouette thumb thumb-war thumb-wrestling yamachem yubi-zumou ゆびずもう 指相撲
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