hackfest 2018

by Lazur - uploaded on March 25, 2018, 12:38 am

>>Hackfest: Boston/USA, RedHat Boston Office, 26-30 March 2018

A hackfest! We will work on Inkscape bugs, new features, and packaging as well as website issues; in fact anything that can benefit from developers and users being physically in the same space. The timing of the hackfest will be next to the Software Freedom Day conference held at MIT.

The hackfest will take place at RedHat's office at 300 A Street. which is located in the harbour district, a walkable distance from the very center of town. RedHat's office is also a short walk from South Station, one of the main MBTA mass transit stops.

For further details, please visit:


2018 announcement announcement banner collection Boston coding developer event filter in action hackfest inkscape invitation Lazur red hat remix+297337 remix+298660 remix+298689 remix+298751 remix+298823 remix+298895 remix+298974 URH vectors team
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