hackfest 2018 in Kiel

by Lazur - uploaded on August 2, 2018, 9:36 pm

>>Inkscape's Hackfest goes to Kiel, Germany, in Sept

Wait, what?

Yes, that's right -this year, the development team is having another meetup live in Germany.

Why? Because the Boston Hackfest was so successful it's been decided the next major release will be the long awaited 1.0!

The brainstorming session will be held for five days, where community members are welcomed as well as core developers.

If you'd like to contribute with your presence or with a small donations, check out this link for further details:


2018 announcement coding developer Europe event Germany hackfest inkscape invitation Kiel Lazur overlapping beauties pixel art remix+297337 remix+298660 remix+298689 remix+298751 remix+298823 remix+298895 remix+298974 remix+298991 remix+299052 remix+299053 remix+304352
Safe for Work?


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