The Eleventh Plague, the Plague of Hiccups

by | - uploaded on July 17, 2021, 6:44 am

A commentary on Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro being stricken with uncontrollable hiccups (e.g. presenting a false verse from the Book of Exodus in the King James Bible, in which the god of the Israelites strikes the Pharoah's Egypt with a plague of hiccups following the plague of boils. (See

On first hearing this news I started to feel sympathy, but then I said to myself “Wait, this is Jair Bolsonaro, the invulnerable Übermensch who doesn't need to wear a mask for COVID and bravely licks door knobs with his apostles.”

fake+news Jair+Bolsonaro Bolsonaro president Brazil USA cartoon one+shot political+cartoon political+satire comic comic+strip web+comic wickedness calumny degenerate politics health healthcare hiccup hiccups COVID COVID-19 pandemic Torah Pentateuch Book+of+Exodus Bible King+James+Bible scripture Christianity Nazism Nazis fleas remix+226917
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