Prometheus Carries a Blazing Torch

by stonesoferasmus - uploaded on March 6, 2023, 4:56 am

This artwork depicts Prometheus, the Greek mythological figure who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity, carrying a blazing torch. The use of oil crayon and pencil creates a striking contrast between the bright, fiery torch and the dark, shadowy undergrowth. This artwork captures the power and passion of Prometheus, who was willing to risk everything to help humanity progress and thrive. Image source: Created by Stones of Erasmus, oil crayon, and pencil drawing (with digital elements added by open-source artificial intelligence). This image is created and made by love by Stones of Erasmus (

When rendered, this will display the text "Stones of Erasmus" as a hyperlink to their website.

Prometheus gods mythology torch flame line art clip art A.I. AI titans stones of erasmus oil crayon humanity myth of origin
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