Bad life choices self-destructive mental health sign
by nerdy - uploaded on November 19, 2023, 12:27 am
Red and white road sign design with a single turning labelled as "bad choices".
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- Tags
- bad+choices mental+health self-destructive self-defeating remix+345753 traffic+sign fake+sign road+sign impulsive impulsivity mental+illness diversion distraction path turning red+white red choices reckless recklessness coping not+coping overindulging binge eating unhealthy unhelpful overdoing+it excessive decision poor warning alert danger regret after+effects negative ADHD smoking alcohol promiscuity drugs weed self-injury self-harm cutting crisis unbearable addiction out+of+control behavior maladaptive lust hedonism
- Filesize
- 20 k
- Safe for Work?
- Yes
This clipart is a remix from:
Climate crisis ahead red road sign
by @nerdy