Silence is not consent Mazan rape trial

by nerdy - uploaded on September 21, 2024, 11:28 pm

"Silence is not consent" word cloud in multiple languages, currently the slogan for the Mazan rapes, in French: qui ne dit mot ne consent pas.

silence+is+not+consent silence consent not+consent qui ne dit mot ne consent pas qui+ne+dit+mot no+consent+pas qui+ne+d que+ne+dit+mot+no+consent+pas Mazan viols rape consentimiento silencio IL SILENZIO NON È CONSENSO consenso not no not+consent multilingual languages translation translate sexual+assault sexual+violence anti-rape #metoo rape+culture organised+abuse domestic+violence violence women's+rights drug-assisted violation Pélicot Dominique+Pélicot Gisèle viol Mazan+viols abuse organised+abuse words typography word+cloud text+as+image ipv
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