Solar System Animation - English
by j4p4n - uploaded on March 19, 2025, 10:33 am
I thought I'd work with my ai friend to make another animation, but this one had even more errors and hallucinations than the last animation I tried to make. After a lot of edits and revisions I ended up with this: an animated display of our solar system, with each planet colour coded and labeled while orbiting the sun. This blurs the lines of clipart and useful learning device, but I thought someone might find this useful by itself, or as part of an online textbook or something. (This is an English version, the text has not been converted to paths so you must click "SVG source vector" to see it labeled correctly and animating)
A version in Japanese:
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- Tags
- solar system animation education school study planet planets animated space science English text
- Filesize
- 4 k
- Safe for Work?
- Yes
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