Champagne Showers 1

by Merlin2525 - uploaded on December 20, 2011, 11:03 am

A more festive New Years or Party scene. Credit to the following Open Clip Art Artist: Gustavo Rezende toast 2, Wakro ribbon, Remi Inconnu champagne bottle, Anonymous ghirlande festa, Freephile balloons, Jean Victor Balin starplose, Nucubunu newyear01, SecretLondon red present. I only did the rearrangement of the clip art, extended the strings on the balloons, and added a shadow to the bottle.

an aniversario anne annee anniversaire anniversary année ano artificiales año balde ballon ballons balloon balloons bebida boda boisson bonne botella bottle bouteille brindis bucket casamiento celebracion celebration ceremonia ceremonie ceremony champagne champan cheers cube cubeta cubo cérémonie d'artifice de drink feliz feste fete feux fiesta fireworks formal formell fuegos garland ghirlande glace glass glasses globo globos grad graduacion graduación graduation guirlande guirnalda happy happynewyear hielo honeymoon ice la licenciamiento luna lune mariage miel new noces nouvelle novo nuevo party reception réception salud social toast vaso vasos verre verres wedding year
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