Thumbs-Up Frame

by AdamStanislav - uploaded on June 27, 2016, 1:12 am

A frame made of repeating thumbs-up symbols.

By the way, if you copy this file to the share/symbols directory of Inkscape, the thumbs-up symbol will now appear as one of the Inkscape symbols (press Shift+Ctrl+Y if you don’t see them) under Thumbs-Up Symbols. You’ll be able to use it like any other object, even flip it vertically (to create a thumbs-down) as well as horizontally, fill it with any color, resize it, rotate it, skew it, distort it, etc.

Agree Approve Colosseum Condone Encourage Gesture Hand Like Silhouette Siluety Thumbs Up Thumbs-up down emperor frame gesture gladiator remix+253492 rám symbol thumbs up
Safe for Work?


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