Chemist making same really strong stuff, wearing only flip-flops
by The Martin - uploaded on October 19, 2016, 9:18 pm
Chemist in his lab behind a counter with some vials and bulbs, making secret and powerful "produits", while showing a mysterious smile, mostly hidden behind his beach-style goggles; also happy about his no longer broken left wrist (thumbs up for his physio-therapist) - and how do I know about the flip-flops? Well, his boss is not around and the A/C is broken (again) and that's what we all do anyway, no worries
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- Africa African cartoon casestudy Chemikalien Chemiker chemist chemistry Gefahr gefährlich glassware health and safety lab Labor laboratory LabWare lab ware lecker lemonade physics remix+263810 science
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by @gustavorezende