Poster Chess Patterns / Poster Patrones Ajedrez de Colores
by DG-RA - uploaded on March 17, 2017, 1:29 am
Poster design with chess symbols and patterns with colors made with Inkscape. / Diseño de Poster con simbolos y patrones del ajedrez con colores hecho con Inkscape.
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- A3 Abstract design afiche ajedrecista Ajedrez ajedrez abstracto ajedrez educativo board game Chess chess abstract chess background chess classes chess collage Chess fans chess player chess resources chess symbols clases de ajedrez collage competición competition deporte deportivo diseño abtracto docente educacional educación física educational educational chess educational resources educativo Escolar escolar estrategia estudiante estudio fondo de ajedrez free clipart free vector Game game_board geek guía inkscape instrucciones instrucción instructor inteligencia juego ciencia juego de mesa maestros manual english nerd Patterns physical education Play poster profesores puzzle póster recursos de ajedrez recursos educativo school Science game simbolos de ajedrez sport sporting spreadshirt strategy T-shirt teachers vector wallpaper chess
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