The complex life of a single mother

by Hyperslower - uploaded on April 7, 2023, 10:57 pm

Life as a single mother is not always easy. It is necessary to cumulate the roles of mother, educator, woman, worker (often less well paid than men) and in addition it is often necessary to undergo the glance (sometimes very malicious) of its entourage, which does not understand that a woman wishes a certain freedom.

Through this graphic montage, I wanted to evoke this problem.

And to that, we can add the difficulty of combining real life and digital life (social networks and other addictions). To protect the children, it is even more attention to give.


Of course, the life of a single dad is also very complex!

Mother Child single life room living space bedroom bed sleeping remix+340793 remix+340780 remix+340795 remix+340735 remix+287292 remix+339442 remix+126925 candle portrait painting struggle difficult pressure roles
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