interlocking cubes 2

by Lazur - uploaded on December 3, 2017, 11:29 pm

An interlocking pattern built up from cubes.

The cubes are ortographic projected where x, and y axises are aligned to 22° and 40° from the horizontal.

With a diagonal slicing arrangement added for a single cube.

12 slices per cube, totalling up to 28 slices per the whole object if I count right. That is 14 individual slice vs the previous 3 in

It's a bit too complicated to pull off and make such a model built up from diagonal slices.

remix+291282 3D 2017 affine transformation axis axonometric box cube cubic descriptive geometry Euclid Gaspard Monge geometry hexahedron interlock Lazur mesh object ortographic orto projection overlapping beauties parallel Platonian solid poly polyhedron remix+259494 remix+291047 remix+291231 remix+291247 remixes ring solid square URH
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