Transgender child they them pronouns
by nerdy - uploaded on June 17, 2024, 7:50 pm
Child wearing a T-shirt and shorts in transgender flag colors, with "they/them" pronouns on the T-shirt. The yellow emoji of the child has fairly short brown hair and no facial expression.
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- Tags
- pronouns they/them they+them they them transgender child kid pro-trans Pro-LGBT remix+348532 remix+348535 remix+348534 trans child gender+sex gender+identity transgender+colors transgender+pride transgender+flag pride+flags profile symbol sign avatar orange blue+pink+white emoji yellow+emoji personal+pronouns remix+348536 pride personal+pronouns symbol
- Filesize
- 12 k
- Safe for Work?
- Yes
This clipart is a remix from:
Non-binary transgender child in sports kit
by @nerdy
Simple transgender child or boy symbol
by @nerdy
Transgender child non-binary or transboy
by @nerdy
Transgender child pre-teen boy symbol
by @nerdy