
by philx - uploaded on February 1, 2024, 11:20 am

So i couldnt find a brigid that i liked either, so i made one, but shes an alpha version. next year... anyway, brigid is going to be late for her party since she had to stop off and have her HEAD attached to someone elses BODY (truly a weird experience. and Thalia took the other head, for what purpose we dont know...) brigid is looking well, tho, for all that (looking up as always). i see a courage to go into dark places with only the light that you bring with you. i see a wisdom to bring a spear when appropriate, because its better to eat dinner than be dinner, and as an aid for reasoning with the unreasonable. but always leading with the light. the brigids cross here makes her happy because it means that 'crafty' people live nearby, who are likely to welcome her and share stories and knowledge.

a beautiful song that is new to me is madeleine peyroux's 'anthem', about the 'cracks that let the light in' - like the cracks in the berlin wall that the 'wall woodpeckers' chipped away at until it was gone...

remix+117379 remix+170669 remix+835 remix+249163 remix+259887 remix+298542 brigid imbolc wisdom courage torch spear
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