houndstooth 7

by Lazur - uploaded on October 25, 2017, 11:02 pm

A simple houndstooth pattern.

This one includes many variants of overlapping and non-overlapping versions inside -off the page borders-.

The concept of even stroke coverage of the "black" and "white" of the pattern is reworked, so the stroke is not cut in half along its width if they have different shaded outlines.

Therefore now the pattern is shifted with half of the pattern's outline.

Both light and dark outlines atop fills variants are included.

remix+289114 remix+289113 remix+289112 remix+289111 remix+289110 remix+289109 remix+255692 houndstooth hounds tooth check hound's tooth pattern pepita black white textile fabric tweed grey gray clothing cloth fashion classic Lazur URH 2017
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