houndstooth 15

by Lazur - uploaded on October 30, 2017, 1:41 pm

A "simple" hounstooth pattern.

Image is layered in inkscape.

Built up of cloned groups of clones consisting of other clones, clipped with other clones.

This time the thread's patterns are shifted, for a better realism.

The weave pattern in the intersection is still seamless.

Edit: and the generated thumbnail missed a part of the pattern fill.

remix+289286 remix+289226 remix+289215 remix+289214 remix+289116 remix+289115 remix+289114 remix+289113 remix+289112 remix+289111 remix+289110 remix+289109 remix+255692 houndstooth hounds tooth check hound's tooth pattern pepita black white textile fabric tweed grey gray clothing cloth fashion classic Lazur URH 2017 remix+244458 thumbnail_issue clipart_issue
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