houndstooth 8
by Lazur - uploaded on October 25, 2017, 11:09 pm
A simple hounstooth pattern.
Back to the basics: this should be built up of woven threads. So it is.
In fact, all you see are paths with strokes and no fills.
Also using cloning for its repeating nature.
That enables adjusting the density of the fabric later if you like.
This clipart is a remix from:
houndstooth 7
by @Lazur
houndstooth 6
by @Lazur
houndstooth 5
by @Lazur
houndstooth 4
by @Lazur
houndstooth 3
by @Lazur
houndstooth 2
by @Lazur
houndstooth 1
by @Lazur
Houndstooth pattern request
by @rejon