houndstooth 14

by Lazur - uploaded on October 30, 2017, 1:12 pm

A "simple" hounstooth pattern.

Redrawn from almost scratch, each thread has a continuous fill pattern.

Everything is layered in inkscape.

Image is built up of cloned groups of clones consisting of other clones, clipped with other clones.

Very complex structure, took way too much time to draw this.

At least now it's easier to make alterations.

Speaking of which, the threads could use a better filter.

remix+289226 remix+289215 remix+289214 remix+289116 remix+289115 remix+289114 remix+289113 remix+289112 remix+289111 remix+289110 remix+289109 remix+255692 houndstooth hounds tooth check hound's tooth pattern pepita black white textile fabric tweed grey gray clothing cloth fashion classic Lazur URH 2017 remix+244458
Safe for Work?


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