Gas cylinder grey and dark green, high pressure for Argon
by palomaironique - uploaded on May 4, 2011, 10:34 pm
Gas cylinder grey and dark green, high pressure for Argon - Bouteille de gaz grise et verte foncée, haute pression pour Argon - Gasflasche grau und dunkelgrün, Hochdruck für Argon - Bottiglia di gas grigio e verde scuro, alta pressione per Argon
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- Argon Ausruestung Ausrüstung Bild Cartoon Chemie Comic Druck Figur Flasche Gas Gase Gefahr Grafik Ikone Industrie Inkscape Labor Lagerung Linie Maskottchen Medien Medizin Schweiss Schweiß Sicherheit Sicherheits Stahl Symbol Vektor Zeichen Zylinder acciaio acier alluminio alta aluminium aluminum art attrezzatura attrezzature bande bottiglia bottle bouteille cartoon chemical chimici chimico chimique cilindro clip comics compress compressed compresso comprimere comprimé cylinder cylindre danger dangereux dark dessinée domain domaine dunkel equipment figure foncé fumetti fumetto gas gases gaz gefaehrlich gefährlich grafica graphic graphique grau green grey grigio gris gruen grün haute hazard hazardous high hoch icon icona icône immagine industria industrial industriale industrie industriel industry komprimieren komprimiert lab laboratoire laboratorio laboratory ligne line linea lineart logo mascot mascotte matériel medical medicale medico médical outline pericolo pericoloso portafortuna pression pressione pressure produit produits public safe safety saldatura scuro segno sicurezza sign signe simbolo soudage soudure steel stoccaggio stockage storage symbol symbole sécurité sûr talismano vecteur vector verde vert vettore vettoriale welding équipement
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