Crooked Village 01

by The Martin - uploaded on October 30, 2016, 8:12 pm

Curious crooked Village with Houses of irregular shapes.

This is a nod of appreciation to ejmillan, who gave us the lovely houses and elements. Please note the number 01 in the title, meaning this is only a first quick and humble attempt at a village-scene. I am hoping to see many more and hopefully different remixes. Eventually there could be vehicles and crooked people or whatever. Please let us see your own ideas and ejmillan please provide more elements in your style, as you find time or inspiration.

casa charmant church crooked Crooked World Dorf grey gris hospital Hotel hotel house houses KIDS Kirche Kleinstadt Krankenhaus krumm landscape Landschaft Rathaus red remix+240547 remix+240598 remix+240646 remix+240648 remix+240654 remix+240656 remix+240705 remix+240728 remix+263206 remix+263212 remix+265288 roja schief school Schule Stadt Städtchen torcida town hall village
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